Pitching for BOP Board Members

Pitching our #vr #fintech #startup at Intersect Innovation Hub for Chairman of BOD of Bank of Palestine (Mr. Hashem Shawwa) and BOD respected members (Ms. Lana Abu-hijleh). Proud to be a part of #vr & #fintech revolution. Thank you Rateb H. Rabi  & Intersect Hub for their support!

Netherlands Embassy and Orange Program - Immesense VR Palestine Intersect Hub

Netherlands Embassy and Orange Program Visit

We were pleased to present our works in virtual reality to the Netherlands Embassy – Jerusalem and the Orange Corners. They were excited to try out the virtual reality of our products and bring them to the Dutch market. Thanks, Intersect Hub for hosting us and presenting our services to the guests.  

Immesense VR Palestine Jawwal

ITU-D Delegation Visit

While pitching our startup for ITU Delegation represented by Mrs. Doreen Martin, Head of the Development Sector, Dr. Isaac Sidr, Palestinian Minister of Communications and Information Technology, the Ministry’s members, and Mr. Abdul Majeed Melhem, General Manager of Jawwal. We have presented our latest achievements in developing and designing virtual and augmented reality systems. Thanks…